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 The mainnet migration is moving along without any problems, and the Sidrabank development team is on schedule to finish it in a week.

The team has been putting in a lot of effort to make sure users get the smoothest possible migration experience. They have been immediately answering user inquiries and have been giving regular updates on the status of the migration.

The users' understanding and patience during this period is much appreciated by the staff. They are dedicated to finishing the migration as soon as possible and restoring user access to the Sidrabank app.

Here are some significant updates on the migration's progress:

All user data has been successfully transferred to the new network by the team.

As they test the new network, the team is working to resolve any faults they discover.

Within a week, the team hopes to deliver the updated Sidrabank app that supports the new network.

Users can continue to access their Sidrabank accounts via in the interim.

The group is optimistic that the mainnet migration will go well and help every Sidrabank customer. They can't wait to introduce the new Sidrabank app and keep giving consumers the greatest DeFi experience imaginable.


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