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Inflammation: Role of Inflammation in Animal body

               What is inflammation?                   Inflammation occurs in everyone, whether you notice it or not. Your immune system creates inflammation to protect the body from infection, injury, or disease. There are many things that could not be cured without inflammation. Inflamation even occur after gym or any of the hard work.Inflammation is the way of treatment of body .It is our defence system in other words.   Types of Inflammation: Inflammation is divided into two main types:    Acute inflammation: Acute inflammation is usually short-lived (although often severe); often resolves in two weeks or less. Symptoms come on quickly.This type restores your body to the state it was in before an injury or illness. Chronic inflammation:   Chronic inflammation is a slower and generally less severe form of inflammation. It usually takes more than six weeks. It can occur without injury and does not always end once the disease or injury has healed. But in the case of autoimmune disease


 While asleep in the dark, the brain cells are able to rejuvenate back to their original state ( cells that were damaged due to excessive sunlight and electricity) and function properly. A study shows that Intelligent people all over the world do not sleep at night with lights on. Take note.  Sleeping in the dark or without light at night helps the body to fight Insomnia (check the meaning) Melatonin decreases in the daytime due to the presence of sunlight. Hence you should not allow light at night when the body is ready to produce it again.  Melatonin tells us it's time to sleep. Lack of it causes sleeplessness.  Sleeping without light at night makes an individual look fresh, lives longer and looks younger all the time. (Healthy). Learn to sleep at night without light for your good. Nothing bad happens to those who practice it. Don’t be scared.

The Scary Reality about Activated Charcoal for the Skin

  The Scary Reality about Activated Charcoal for the Skin Activated Charcoal Introduction: What is Activated Charcoal and Why is it Dangerous? Activated charcoal is a carbon-based product that is used in medicine to treat poisoning from drugs, chemicals, and other toxins. It is also used in air purifiers to filter odors. In the past, activated charcoal has been used as a treatment for people with stomach aches or gas because it can help stop them from vomiting or having diarrhea. However, because activated charcoal can also bind medications and other medicines in the digestive tract so they are not absorbed by the body, many doctors no longer recommend this treatment. The use of activated carbon as a medical treatment was first documented by James Lind in 1757 who showed it could be used to treat scurvy on long sea voyages with fresh fruit. What are the Benefits of Activated Charcoal for the Skin? Activated charcoal is a type of carbon that has been processed to give it many internal n


 The mainnet migration is moving along without any problems, and the Sidrabank development team is on schedule to finish it in a week. The team has been putting in a lot of effort to make sure users get the smoothest possible migration experience. They have been immediately answering user inquiries and have been giving regular updates on the status of the migration. The users' understanding and patience during this period is much appreciated by the staff. They are dedicated to finishing the migration as soon as possible and restoring user access to the Sidrabank app. Here are some significant updates on the migration's progress: All user data has been successfully transferred to the new network by the team. As they test the new network, the team is working to resolve any faults they discover. Within a week, the team hopes to deliver the updated Sidrabank app that supports the new network. Users can continue to access their Sidrabank accounts via in the interim. T

Ways Biotechnology Is Used In Agriculture To Make It More Sustainable

  How is biotechnology used in Agriculture Biotechnology is a science that deals with the alteration of living organisms to serve human beings. Biotechnology has been used for centuries, but it wasn't until the twentieth century that biotechnology began to truly revolutionize human civilization. The discovery of genes, their structures and functions provided new tools for scientists. It allowed them to go beyond mere manipulation or modification of crops at a superficial level into an examination of their very essence. Some of the biotechnology products include crop protection, plant breeding, and genetically modified crops. Biotechnology is used to help increase the productivity of agricultural systems while also protecting the environment. Biotechnology in Agriculture Biotechnology is a fairly new industry, and it's growing every day. There are countless areas where biotechnology can be used to help improve agriculture. For example, using pest control products is essential