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Ways Biotechnology Is Used In Agriculture To Make It More Sustainable


How is biotechnology used in Agriculture

How is biotechnology used in Agriculture

Biotechnology is a science that deals with the alteration of living organisms to serve human beings. Biotechnology has been used for centuries, but it wasn't until the twentieth century that biotechnology began to truly revolutionize human civilization. The discovery of genes, their structures and functions provided new tools for scientists. It allowed them to go beyond mere manipulation or modification of crops at a superficial level into an examination of their very essence.

Some of the biotechnology products include crop protection, plant breeding, and genetically modified crops. Biotechnology is used to help increase the productivity of agricultural systems while also protecting the environment.

Biotechnology in Agriculture

Biotechnology is a fairly new industry, and it's growing every day. There are countless areas where biotechnology can be used to help improve agriculture. For example, using pest control products is essential for protecting crops from harmful pests that could cause extensive damage if not caught on time. Pest control products like pesticides and herbicides are generally biotechnology-based. These treatments allow farmers to grow their produce without worrying about disease or pests ruining their harvest. Researching more about

Pest control

Pest control in intensive agriculture involves treating crops before and after harvest with a variety of synthetic chemicals known as pesticides.

How does biotechnology work?

Biotechnology, through genetic engineering, works directly with the genetic material of a cell. If we looked at a cell with a high powered microscope, we would see long, threadlike structures called chromosomes. These chromosomes, made up of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), are organized into sections called genes. Genes control the production of particular proteins, and proteins, in turn, determine the characteristics of an organism. In some cases, a gene can govern a particular organism. trait, such as an organism's resistance to disease, while in other cases the characteristics can be determined by many genes.It was understanding DNA that opened the road to genetic engineering.

The future of biotechnology in agriculture!

Biotechnology has the potential to develop crops that are much more resistant to diseases that require fewer nutrients from the soil and that can survive harsh conditions. In the future, biotechnology researchers also hope to improve the nutritional quality of these foods by increasing the caloric yield rather than the volume yield of the crop, meaning that we will have to produce less, which will also lead to a reduction in l-occupation of land.

GM crops will not only provide higher yields in developing countries; the same technology will also provide the West with greater food and fiber security. Pests can wreak havoc on a crop, bring farmers into bankruptcy, and harm the local economy. In some cases where a culture has been altered, cultures have been saved from destruction.


Biotechnology is used in agriculture for many reasons, the biggest of which are to increase crop yields and food supply. We hope this article has given you a better idea of how biotechnology is used in agriculture. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us on our website or social media pages!
