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Animal breeding, genetics, and genomics is the branch of science concerned with maximizing desirable genetic traits, such as producing animals that have leaner meat. Animal geneticists have identified elements within genes that can enhance animal growth, health, and ability to utilize nutrients. These genetic advances can increase production while reducing environmental impacts.

Animals and farm animals contribute 40 percent of the world value of agricultural production and contribute to the livelihood and food security of almost a billion people worldwide. Advances in animal husbandry, genetics, and genomics make the industry more efficient. For example, livestock has declined over the past decade, but overall meat and milk production has increased. This was mainly possible because genetic advances resulted in better feed efficiency (link is external), which is critical to improving livestock production and reducing costs for producers.

Services of livestock:
Livestock provides people with a variety of products and services, including meat, milk, eggs, fiber, and traction, in a variety of settings. This diversity of functions is only possible because of the diversity of their genetic makeup.

Genetic variation :
Genetic variation within livestock populations also provides the raw material both for evolution through natural selection in response to changing conditions and for human-controlled breeding programs. such as climate change, emerging diseases, and pressures on food and water resources.

Animal genetics:
Animal genetics is one of the pillars of farm animal development (together with animal health, animal nutrition, and the rearing of animals such as stables). It is a broad field, ranging from characterization to conservation to genetic improvement and encompassing measures at local, national, regional and global levels.

Characterization involves assessing livestock populations and their production environments to determine their current status and identify strengths that can be improved and weaknesses that need to be overcome, for example, through a genetic improvement program. It can also help educate conservation strategies.

Conservation of animal genetic resource:
Conservation of animal genetic resources refers to measures that are taken to prevent the loss of genetic diversity in livestock populations, including protecting breeds from extinction. This can be both the preservation of living populations and the cryopreservation (preservation by freezing at extremely low temperatures) of material such as seeds or embryos.

Genetic improvement:
Genetic improvement (animal husbandry) is based on the principle that products (milk, meat, wool etc.) and services (e.g. transport, traction or cultural services) of animals are a function of their genes and the environment. Influences to which they are exposed. Improvement can be achieved by selecting genetically superior animals as parents of the next generation. “Genetically superior” means superior in relation to a certain set of traits, which generally include productivity under expected environmental conditions in the future. But it must also consider traits such as fertility, disease resistance, or longevity, which are related to production costs.

Since the mid-20th century, genetic improvement efforts have focused on a very small number of breeds around the world, often without considering how local production environments affect the animals' ability to survive, too, produce and reproduce.


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